Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

What a wonderful Thanksgiving we had this year!

It was the first time Joe or I was away from our family, but we were excited to spend it as a family in Hawaii!

Since we don't eat a lot of meat, planning the menu was going to be interesting.

The month before Thanksgiving, Joe and I wanted to take our "healthy lifestyle" to another level.

He did a detox, I didn't because I am still lactating and they do not recommend it because the toxins that are released can enter into the breast milk.

We excluded gluten, dairy, meat, and sugar from our diet. We were basically vegan.

It felt really good.

We ate a lot of veggies, fruits, beans, smoothies, and other products such as cheese substitutes.

Along with vitamins, protein powder, and superfoods.

Back to Thanksgiving....

That morning we woke up to a beautiful blue sky and cool weather.

I went on a run, and then we made omelette's for breakfast.

After that we packed up and headed to Hanalei Beach.

After hanging out, playing in the sand, and body boarding, we decided to go home and get things cooking.

We were invited to a pot luck on the beach, but because of Hallie's nap schedule, we opted out.

I had already brought a platter of fudge brownies and lemon mini muffins for the pot luck, that I did not want to take home or waste.

So, I had the idea to walk down the beach and give them away to the people (mostly tourists) laying on the sand.

The kids loved it!

We walked up to people and happily said "Happy Thanksgiving, would you like a brownie or lemon muffin"?

The smiles made me feel very good inside, and made me want to do that more often.

Once we finally made it home, we put Hallie down, and I realized we didn't have any appetizers.

Joe offered to go to Foodland and "hook it up".

He came home with goat cheese, crackers, chips and dips.

All stuff we don't normally eat.

So, Joe, Jalen and I took our snacks outside on the lanai and sat at the big table and played Monopoly.

It was fun!

We got in about an hour of fun before little Sugar bear woke up.

That was the end of our game, as we tried to continue, but she kept wanting to grab the dice and money.

We then went inside and started to finish making our feast.

It was around 5:00 by then, and we still had to make the mashed potatoes, gravy, and crescent rolls.

Since we dont eat meat, but Jalen does, I did not want to buy or cook a whole turkey.

I ended up getting a rotisserie chicken, and a couple pieces of mahi mahi.

Everything turned out so so yummy!

We had chicken, fish, cheesy potato casserole, cream corn, sweet potato bake, mashed potato and gravy, crescent rolls and cranberry sauce.

I was so excited for dessert, which was a chocolate macadamia nut pie made at a local bakery. Vanilla ice cream was to top it.

I ate so much that I couldn't even touch dessert.

But not to fret, I had a piece the next day, and it was very good!

Jalen loves french silk pie, so I got him a single piece of chocolate creme pie which he devoured after dinner.

At dinner, we went around and said what we were thankful for.

My Mom and Dad~they are always so supportive of all the decisions I make in life and show unconditional love to me always.
My beautiful family, I feel so blessed to have 2 awesome kids and a dreamy husband!
The opportunity to live in Hawaii
God~I'm so thankful to believe in my heart that there is a higher power helping guide me throughout life.

He was thankful for his Grandpa "papa" Gill, who has given us the means to live the life we do.
December 31, 2001~the day he met me:)
Our family~wife and kids he loves so much
Susan~who has helped him discover himself and lead him down the path he is happily on.

He said he was thankful for being able to help people, like how we did earlier in the day by giving away brownies and muffins.
His family.
His little sister.

I just feel so blessed and am beyond thankful for so much my life has given to me.

We are very happy as a family and enjoying bonding here in paradise!!


1 comment:

  1. Just realized i missed your last 3 blogs---Love how you describe the hike----and Thanksgiving ----I am so thrilled that you are so happy!!!
    Love u CBG!!!
